Cleaning Up Your Packaging

Plastic products and the disposal of these items has been heavily focused on by mainstream media recently. These items can be seen littering streets, landfills and oceans causing damage to wildlife and eventually entering our food chain.

Yet contrary to what we are seeing in the media some plastic packaging may not be as bad as they are being painted out to be. As technology develops, different techniques for creating products can help reduce the overall environmental impact of the packaging.

Mindsets around packaging are slowly changing but many people still only look at where their packaging ends up. Although this is important, ensuring that you are aware of the whole carbon footprint of a product is beneficial. It takes energy, water and sometimes chemicals to create a range of packaging. Some products require more than others but reducing this impact is a great way to improve the impact your packaging has on the environment.

  • Steel cans

    A steel can for packaging coffee consumes 1,605% more water than a flexible pouch.

  • Rigid pails

    A rigid pail for cat litter packaging consumes, 1,429% more fossil fuel than a flexible bag. While looking at where this packaging ends up.

  • Thermoformed tubs

    31% more thermoformed tubs for baby food packaging ends up in landfill compared to a flexible pouch format.

Reduce, Reuse, recycle is a commonly used phrase referring to a circular economy in which we get the most out of materials before repurposing them to be used for new products. Reducing the impact of your packaging is one of the first steps that you can take to help improve your products impact on the environment, reusing will help extend the life cycle of a product and recycling it will help reduce the need for new materials to create products.

Flexible packaging although it may not seem like it, can in fact be a more environmentally friendly and energy efficient option when compared to your conventional plastic packaging. Yet your business can also benefit from the improved shelf presence, high quality printing and innovative designs fir for purpose to your business.

There are a variety of Flexibles packaging options to help with ease of use, brand exposure and sustainable practices. Contact our Flexible Packaging Division to learn more about our Flexibles packaging capabilities and how they can help your business.